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Capcom, 1559[^]40763 Resident Evil Origins Collection on PS4

Resident Evil Origins Collection includes: Resident Evil HD Resident Evil 0In the original Resident
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Capcom, 1559[^]40763 Resident Evil Origins Collection on PS4
Resident Evil Origins Collection includes: Resident Evil HD Resident Evil 0In the original Resident Evil players choose to take on the role of either S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) team member Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine who have been sent into the city to find the missing Bravo team. With limited ammo and survival items available gamers need to keep their wits about them to survive the various traps and puzzles that greet them at every stage of the game. This is cou (Barcode EAN=5055060931103)

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